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Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our brand name:

Our website address is:

Our company details are:
Company number: 12503996
England (United Kingdom)

Please direct any written communications to:

Welcome to RevenueHunt

Thank you for using RevenueHunt’s products and services.

The use of this website implies the acceptance of each and every one of the Terms of Service on this page.

We want you to read these Terms of Service, therefore, they are written in such a way that they can be understood by everyone, without having knowledge about laws or knowing specific legal terms.

RevenueHunt offers a wide variety of products and services, so sometimes additional conditions or requirements can be applied that could replace, complete or modify these Terms of Service, and which will be informed in each specific case.

They were last updated on May 1st, 2020.

If you’ve got any questions, send us an email to info@revenuehunt.com

This is the legal agreement between us when it comes to using our apps and services. If you use RevenueHunt, you agree to these terms. If you don’t agree with the terms, don’t use RevenueHunt.

Your personal information

Some pages of this website allow the sending of your personal and contact information.

Your personal contact information (e-mail and phone), passwords, as well as tax information (ID card, bank accounts and credit cards) that you provide will not be published on our website and will never be shared with third parties.

For us, the security of your data is very important, so access to your RevenueHunt account is password protected. If you lose it, you can only recover it using the automated password recovery procedure on the “access” page, by clicking on the “I forgot my password” link. The password will be sent to the contact e-mail of your profile.

Some non-confidential information you provide may appear on your RevenueHunt profile. These data are the username, your description, avatar (image), location, services offered, services demanded, prices and rates, among others. If you do not want them to appear on our website you can delete them at any time.

You must guarantee that the information, images, contents and observations that you provide do not infringe the Intellectual or Industrial Property Rights of third parties, nor any other legal provision.

In no case will RevenueHunt be responsible for the legality, truthfulness and accuracy of the data provided. It is your sole responsibility to notify RevenueHunt of any changes that may apply to them.

Also, as long as we have your consent, we will use your contact information to perform satisfaction checks, as well as to send information regarding products and services provided by RevenueHunt, using it for this purpose until expressly stated otherwise.

How to use RevenueHunt

You can create all kinds of Product Recommendation Quizzes for your ecommerce store. You can create an account installing our app. Make sure the info you provide is accurate and up-to-date.

What you can’t do

  • Share your account with anyone else. Please secure your login details. If you think someone else has your login details, contact us straight away. It’s so you’re not then held responsible for anything shady that happens in your account.
  • Mess with our security measures. Or those implemented by third parties.
  • Mess with areas of our site, product, or systems that aren’t open to the public.
  • Trick people with fake elements on our website or service.
  • Mess with the content on our website by uploading new content, creating new links, etc. That includes the use of automated scripts, spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools, or anything similar.
  • Interfere with someone else’s access to RevenueHunt. Stuff like sending a virus, overloading, flooding, spamming, and mail-bombing.
  • Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell, or exploit for any commercial reason any part of the service (including your own RevenueHunt account).
  • Do stuff like vulnerability scanning, load testing, penetration tests, or bypassing our security measures.
  • Use services that monitor the availability, performance, and functionality of RevenueHunt for benchmarking or anything else.
  • Hide the “Powered by RevenueHunt” branding via Custom CSS/JS. If you want to remove it, please consider upgrading to one of our paid plans.

What about the quizzes I create?

We don’t own anything you create or upload using RevenueHunt.

We’ll ask for your permission to share publicly, and change what you create/upload to promote RevenueHunt.

Any content you upload/create might be available to third parties. Make sure you’re happy with this before you upload/create content with our app.

Your content should not break the law or break third party policies. Make sure you have permission from the owner before you upload content—especially things that are protected by intellectual property rights. Otherwise we might delete it.

We might review your content if it’s reported as illegal. If your content breaks any rules we might modify or delete it.

What about people who respond to my quiz?

When you use your quiz to collect information, you enter into a contractual relationship with your customers. You need to meet your obligations when it comes to data protection, cookies, or e-commerce laws and regulations.

Third-party providers

Sometimes we use other service providers (eg. connect your quiz to your mailing list or CRM via Zapier or track quiz usage with Google Analytics). We’re not liable for anything they do. Third parties are also obligated to follow regulations.

What they do is beyond our control and we’re not liable for any of it. Using them could mean data from your quiz account gets transferred elsewhere. Our advice? Read their own policies carefully so you understand exactly how they use your data.

Features modification and removal

RevenueHunt constantly improves its products and services. Therefore, we may add, edit or remove some features in the future. RevenueHunt may add quiz usage limitations.

We believe that you are the owner of your data and that it is important to preserve your access to it. If we interrupt a service, in cases where it is reasonable, we will inform you sufficiently in advance and we will allow you to extract your information.

Service uptime

RevenueHunt excludes any liability that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operation of our website, caused by external issues.

Likewise, RevenueHunt also excludes any liability that could be caused by delays or blockages in the functioning of our website caused by deficiencies or overload of the server, as well as of damages caused by third parties through illegitimate intrusions beyond our control.

Although our website is always active, sometimes we will have to temporarily suspend, maybe without prior notice, accessibility to our website due to maintenance, repair, update or improvement operations. If you can not access a feature or you detect a bug in our website, please send us an email to info@revenuehunt.com and we will fix it as soon as possible.

Warranties and waiver of liability

We offer our products and services with a level of competence and reasonable diligence. However, we can not offer guarantees regarding some aspects.

RevenueHunt offers no warranties regarding the content of the products or services we provide, their specific features, reliability, availability or ability to meet your needs.

Some jurisdictions provide certain warranties of merchantability, suitability and non-compliance. To the extent permitted by law, RevenueHunt excludes all warranties.

The user is solely responsible for any infractions that may be incurred or any damages that may be caused by the use of our website.

Neither RevenueHunt nor its partners, group companies, employees, representatives or their employees will be liable for loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of data, financial losses or other types of damages due to the use or lack of availability of the products and services offered on this website.

I want to delete my account.

If you’re on the Free plan, the account will stay active until you uninstall our app.

If you’re on a paid plan, they automatically renew monthly or annually (depending on how you decided to pay). You can cancel the renewal via the account settings. If you cancel, the subscription you already paid for will continue until the end of the month/year.

You can delete your account any time uninstalling our app. This will cancel plan renewals. You might lose data if you decide to do this.

Can RevenueHunt delete my account?

We have the right to suspend or delete your account if you breach these terms and conditions. We’ll aim to give you 15 days notice, but we may delete it sooner if you break the law. You might loose data if your account gets deleted.

GDPR Compliance

We care about the privacy rights of our merchants and their customers. On May 25, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect and established global data protection rights for individuals in the European Union.

We have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to fulfill the GDPR requirements and will continue to release extensive documentation and improved functionalities to RevenueHunt to ensure that as a merchant you will feel totally confident that you meet your obligations under GDPR while using our app.

Because GDPR is a new regulation, each merchant has the responsibility to follow the established guidelines for proper usage. If you are a merchant who servers EU citizens, it is necessary to follow these regulations.


If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.

If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day.


First-party: we’re using AHOY to offer you analytics about your customers’ behavior using your quiz. Only you have access to this data.

Third-party: We’re using Google Analytics to track anonymous behavior data.

What rights you have over your data

If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

About these Terms of Service

RevenueHunt reserves the right to modify, expand or update at any time and without previous notification, the Terms of Service of our website or any specific Conditions of Use of any product or service offered. We recommend you to check them periodically.

If you do not accept the modified conditions of a product or service, you must stop using our website or close your account.

In case of conflict between these Terms of Service and other specific Conditions of Use, these Terms of Service shall prevail over the specific. In the event that a particular condition is not mandatory, the remaining Terms will not be affected.

These Terms govern the relationship between RevenueHunt and you, and do not generate any rights that may be a third party beneficiary.

We have tried to be as clear and concise as possible. However, if you have any questions about these Terms of Service or wish to contact RevenueHunt, please fill in the contact form and our legal department will be happy to help you.

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