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Product Recommendation Quiz for WooCommerce

Product Recommendation Quiz for WooCommerce

A digital personal shopper for WooCommerce. Drive sales, segment your customers and grow your audience engaging your visitors with a Product Recommendation Quiz on your store.

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Free plan available. 30-day money back guarantee.

Recommend the Perfect Products

Shoppable quizzes drive sales, advise customers on finding the right products for them and help them make confident purchasing decisions.

Know Your Customers

Quizzes let you collect actionable data by asking your customers targeted questions. Segment and tag your shoppers based on their responses.

Grow Your Audience

Send captured leads to your mailing list or CRM. Leverage customer profile data to create more personalized, higher ROI marketing campaigns.

About Product Recommendation Quiz for WooCommerce

Create an automated sales funnel for your store

1 – Boost sales on the first visit by giving your customers a personalized product recommendation.

2 – Recover abandoned carts. Quiz results are sent to your customers’ inbox so they can come back and finish the purchase later if they haven’t made up their mind yet.

3 – Grow your audience. Captured leads will be sent to your mailing list, so you can segment them based on their responses and follow up with targeted campaigns.

A personal shopper for your eCommerce

Being engaged by a salesperson is key to a successful shopping experience. After all, your customers might not be experts in the products you’re selling and they might not know which ones best match their needs.

Online shoppers need guidance on finding what they want, just like in real shops.

How our product recommendation quiz works

Our personal shopper engages your customers just like a salesperson would do, guiding them from start to cart and ensuring they find exactly what they’re looking for.

Our app allows the customers to play an active role in the buying experience. The quiz asks your customers a series of questions, analyzes their responses and returns a selection of recommended products that match their needs along with an explanation to why they’re the right fit for them.

Customizing the quiz to your particular needs

We believe every brand has its own personality. Our app allows you to customize multiple aspects of the quiz. With our easy-to-use quiz builder you can:

  • Define the questions you ask
  • Personalize the recommendations
  • Choose within multiple fonts and color palettes
  • Choose between multiple display modes (link, popup or inline)

Some of our key features include:

  • Plug and play. Easy to install, no coding required. Sell more effectively within minutes, not weeks.
  • Conditional Logic. Your customers never have to skip irrelevant questions because with conditional logic rules, they’ll never even see them. This gets higher completion rates through a more personal, human interaction.
  • Lead capture. Encourage your customers to leave their contact details (for following-up or retargeting).

When is a Product Recommendation Quiz useful?

Shops where their customers are overloaded with choices are a great fit, a few cases where our app can provide value are:

  • When the product is complex or it’s difficult to compare alternatives
  • When buyers do not have clear preferences about what they want
  • When people want to make a quick an easy choice (e.g.: gifts)

There are certain verticals that are inherently more suited for our app. These include:

  • Skincare, Cosmetics & Beauty
  • Nutrition, Vitamins & Supplements
  • Clothing, Jewelry & Accessories
  • Sports & Outdoor Goods
  • Specialized Equipment & Supplies

Integrates with:

  • Google Analytics
  • Hubspot
  • Mailchimp
  • Zapier
  • Klaviyo
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Custom Webhooks (coming soon)
  • Bold, ReCharge & WooCommerce Subscriptions (coming soon)


  • You need to have the WooCommerce plugin installed and activated on your WordPress.
  • Your website must have a valid HTTPS/SSL certificate installed.
  • Requires WooCommerce version 3.5 or higher
  • Does not work on local/development environments


First, download the latest version of our plugin here.

Log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click on “Add New”, then click on “Upload Plugin”. Choose the ZIP file you downloaded in the previous step and click on “Install Now”.


  • Install and activate WooCommerce if you haven’t already done so
  • In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Product Quiz tab
  • Grant permissions to connect our app to your WooCommerce store
  • Follow the Success Checklist to create and publish your quiz
  • Drive traffic to your quiz and start getting sales and leads!



Check out our Tutorial Videos and our Frequently Asked Questions for more information on how to create and publish your first Product Recommendation Quiz.

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