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Shorter Product Descriptions

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It’s possible to shorten the product descriptions that appear in the recommendations page. The following instructions include screenshots from a Shopify store, but it’s also possible for WooCommerce stores (detailed instructions here) and BigCommerce stores.

This feature allows you to add a code snippet in your product description where you want to cut it. In your eCommerce backend, navigate to the product you want to edit. To can add the <!--more--> code snippet in your product description, just click on the “Show HTML” button:

And paste the <!--more--> code after the introductory blurb:

This should cut the description in the quiz results page:

You’ll have to deactivate the “truncate description” in the Results Page settings in our app so the description is shown full and cut at the code snippet:

Remember that you’ll have to do this for all the products that will be recommended in the quiz.

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