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Checking why products are recommended or not

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It can be difficult to figure out why certain items appear on the Results Page if you have a lot of products and collections connected to the quiz choices. You can use the built-in search bar in the quiz Responses to see why a specific product was recommended.

To do that, go to your quiz Metrics. Open the Responses tab and select a response that interests you.

Next, use the link at the bottom to open the Results Page.

Copy the name of a product that appears on the page or shouldn’t appear on the page.

Use the search bar at the top of the answer to enter the product’s name. You may also look up a product by typing its name into the search window. To confirm your preference, click on the product.

In the panel below you’ll see in which questions/choices was the product upvoted or excluded. You’ll also be able to see in which collections was it upvoted or excluded.

Based on this information you can troubleshoot the quiz. It’s likely that your product is in a collection it shouldn’t be or that is is accidentally excluded in other questions.

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