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Quiz Responses Limits

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The number of quiz completions you can collect every month depends on the plan you’re on.

  • Free Plan: 100 responses/mo
  • Basic Plan: 500 responses/mo
  • Pro Plan: 1000 responses/mo
  • Premium Plan: 2500 responses/mo

Need a larger plan? Our top performing clients are using their quiz as the first step of their automated sales funnel, driving traffic to the quiz with social media ads and using it to segment the leads they capture. We have larger plans at discounted rates per quiz completion for stores looking to scale – check the Plans & Pricing segment in the Product Recommendation Quiz app or  Contact our Sales Team.

If the number of responses your quizzes collected during the past 30 days exceed your plan limit we’ll display a warning in your Dashboard’s sidebar:

What happens when I reach my quiz responses limit?

We will notify you by email and in your Dashboard, when you reach 90%, 100% and 125% of your limit.

When you reach 125% of your plan’s response limit, your quizzes will be locked. Your quizzes will automatically be unlocked again when the number of quiz responses collected during the past 30 days is lower than your plan’s limit.

You can delete your responses, but this won’t affect your monthly quiz usage.

When you reach your quiz responses limit, your users will see a message like the one below when they try to take your quiz:

This quiz isn’t accepting new responses

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